Reviewer Process / Publication Policy:

Rules & Guidelines & Research Methodology
Double blind system for peer-review is used for selecting the paper for publication. All the paper will be peer-reviewed by subject experts. Authors are requested to strictly follow the submission the guidelines mentioned here with in preparing their papers. Electronic submission via email will be accepted for publication paper can be submitted the journal address.
The journal employs the double blind peer review process, where both reviewers and author remain anonymous throughout the review process every proposal submitted for publication is read at least by an editor, for an initial review if the paper agrees with editorial policies and with a minimum quality level is sent to three reviewers. The reviewers won’t know the author identity, as any identifying information will be stripped from the document before review.
If the teacher or Research Scholar intending to publish their articles/research paper in the every issue of DOCTRINE are required to submit their manuscript to the author or by email. The deadline for the submission of article/research paper for the every issue would be date of 28th every three month. Articles/research paper accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe the copy right or any other right of any third parties and that the work does not contain any obscene offensive defamatory or racially prejudiced material. As a condition of the publication, authors have, an irrevocable, transferable, no exclusie, royality free right and license to reproduce publish and distribute their submission(s) in all print media including electronic services.
Reviewers comments to the editors are confidential and before passing on to the author will made anonymous. Based on the reviewer’s comments, the editorial board makes a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript and communicates to the authors the decision along with referees’ reports. Whether significant revisions are proposed acceptance is dependent on whether the author can deal with those satisfactory.
Criteria for Reviewing : Reviewers could judge any manuscript on the basis of following criteria :
(i) Format of the article : Any major divergence from the standard manuscript format should be indicated
(ii) Technical presentation : The research article should be technically presented instead of being presented as a story mere repetition of
    past work should no be accepted. You can look for conceptual advancement over previously published work any major mission of the
    previously published findings on the similar problem must be checked.
(iii) Interpretation of result : The discussion should however around the result and should not include irrelevant and unachievable
(iv) Statistical presentation : Proper statistics should be applied over the data wherever found necessary.
(v) Plagiarism of data : Data showing any type of suspicion duplication and manipulation must be brought to the notice of author(s)
(vi) Summary : Pin point the strength and weakness of the article considering potential importance of the work in the context of present and
(vii) Conclusion : At the end reviewers(s) can recommend necessary corrections needed to accept the paper. If they are actually required else recommend it for publication if found unsuitable the paper should be declared an unacceptable for publication.